The Massacre of the Innocents

I still cannot get over the fact that the current genocide in Gaza is being carried out and supported by democratically elected governments. These governments are also destroying our planet.

How can we explain the existence of evil democracies? Logically, there are two possibilities: either they are not real democracies, or their people are evil. In the first case, we need more democracy. In the latter case, we need less of it. Either way, every person with a soul and an ounce of human dignity needs to act.

Since German-speaking media have largely decided to ignore the slaughter in Gaza, I have collected some video clips from English-speaking sources. I want to emphasize that these are mainly mainstream media sources, such as CNN, MSNBC, Channel 4, and Al Jazeera. I hope it will make some people open their eyes.

“If I Must Die”, the final poem by Palestinian scholar and poet Refaat Alareer, who was killed by the Israelis on December 7, 2023.

When Herod realised that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

Matthew 2:16

In Herod’s defense, he did what he could to “limit civilian casualties” and only killed boys under two years of age. Western governments would have approved.

No cause, no God, no abstract idea can justify the mass slaughter of innocents.

Edward Said

The whole purpose of racism and religion is to define who deserves to live. The others are expendables who can be killed at will. This happened during the Crusades, the Thirty Years War, the Colonial Wars, the two World Wars, during the Vietnam War, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and is currently happening in Sudan, Ukraine, and in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Wars and violence have always been a part of human history. There are no indications that this is going to change in future.

Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world. International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper. They did not apply in Iraq. They do not apply in Gaza. We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles. We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick. We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases. You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter. To us you are vermin to be extinguished. We have everything. If you try and take any of it away from us, we will kill you. And we will never be held accountable.

Chris Hedges,

Western Democracies are all complicit in this massacre.

Let loose the dogs of war.

Joe Biden,

One thought on “The Massacre of the Innocents

  1. Thanks to speak out loud Henrik!

    We used to think we have the best democracy possible, but in Switzerland we never had real democracy.
    At a time when we absolutely need neutrality, Foreign Minister Cassis is suddenly taking it away from us. And if we want it back, we have to get it back with another neutrality initiative that will take > 5 years. That can not be true in a real democracy! We should strike until we have strict neutrality again.

    The genocide in Gaza in front of cameras is a slap in the face of human rights and UN international law. It is nothing other than the right of the supposedly stronger. If we tolerate this, the same power will soon treat us the same way.

    It is time to say no and end cooperation with this violent system through a non-violent strike.

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